That's not me talking. I'm just saying reporting -- or linking, anyway, to:
With due apologies to Clive Thompson, whose writing I like, and who argues otherwise.
David Dobbs: Reef Madness : Charles Darwin, Alexander Agassiz, and the Meaning of Coral
Oliver Sacks calls it "brilliantly written, almost unbearably poignant... The coral reef story becomes a microcosm of the conflicts -- between idealism and empiricism, God and evolution -- which were to split science and culture in the nineteenth century, and which still split them today.”
David Dobbs and Richard Ober: The Northern Forest
What's wrong with the land-use debate in the Great North Woods (and elsewhere).
Brian Greene, editor: The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2006 (The Best American Series)
Contains my NY Times Magazine story on the decline of the autopsy
Gina Kolata, Editor: The Best American Science Writing 2007 (Best American Science Writing)
Contains my NY Times Magazine story on an experimental brain surgery for depression.
David Dobbs: The Great Gulf: Fishermen, Scientists, and the Struggle to Revive the World's Greatest Fishery
An epistemological argument disguised as a fish fight.
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wow, you gave Twitter an extra special honor. It's not just retarded, it's f'ing retarded. How do you even know the difference? I think people who use the word retarded as slang just don't get it. They probably are out there screaming for other causes like "Save the Whales" or "PETA" but wouldn't stop to think for a second about how their words hurt and demean people with special needs. You know, the ones you called "retards." It's not about free speech, it's about having a little decency for a group of people just doing the best they can. Wish I could say that about you.
Posted by: mary | December 21, 2008 at 09:01 AM